
Random Hitz was started as a part-time endeavor that someday may lead my life down a new path. Currently, I live in Washington, DC and I am the Director of Analyst Relations & Strategy for a top 100 software firm. Since graduating from the University of Pittsburgh, I have spent my years working for technology companies in a number of sales and marketing leadership positions. I am passionate about new ideas, technology and marketing.  And since I did not have enough going on in my life (smile), I decided to enroll in a MBA program. (Yes, my cohort and I are counting the days until graduation!).  Update – I recently graduated from my MBA program, it feels great to be done.

Random Hitz is a weblog covering many topics that I find interesting: technology, the business of technology and a bunch of other things that I find interesting like science, gaming, and politics. On occasion you may see some stream-of-consciousness journals or biting rants about things I find extremely annoying – like poor leadership – and that need to stop.

I have an irreverent sense of humor with a sarcastic bent. I am very level-headed but vocal – especially when I feel passionately about something. I will tell you how I feel about things even if you haven’t asked for my opinion. I am writing this weblog to share my opinion with you and I hope to learn from you as you share your opinion with me.

5 responses to “About

  1. Kit

    Wonderful work.

  2. Kit

    I think your insight to this scandal does raise some very interesting questions. As a marketing professional with over 20 years experience, I am not unfamiliar with this point of view and yet quite puzzled by it. In virtually all of the meetings I am in, if there is a problem it is typically decided that the only resolution must come from marketing. And despite repeated successes, it is rarely the marketing team that is tapped into to make the critical decisions to begin with — And yet if this resource was considered more than a “necessary expense” it would likely be that there would be fewer problems to fix.

    I also share your curiousity about this meteoric rise. I know I have seen it and wondered, what is it about that person? I have spoken with him, engaged with him and worked on projects with him and I am not seeing what the magic is all about. Sour grapes? Maybe. But truly it must be deep in my subconscious. Because I never question those moves with a sentiment of “why not me?” It is usually just “why?” As you commented, we will all learn more as the story develops. Great insight. I look forward to your future installments.

  3. Right on C. I read your blog (Nasty) and couldn’t agree more. I then went and read that Sutton article. It was the last line that stood out to me the most –> “Indeed, I am starting to believe that, as a management professor, part of my job is to teach people when indifference is more useful than passion,” Sutton said.
    That is so true its painful. B

  4. Jeff

    on 28 Apr 2007 at 1:12 pm1 Jeff
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    I got a pair and they work like a miracle. I’m like you. Most of

    the crap on TV sucks, but these make sense.

    I never use a knife or my old peeler anymore. And when you

    cook from scratch the price and quality of your meals

    are much better. Potatoes are cheep, and I love mashed, but

    I always hated peeling them. Now it’s kinda fun. My wife

    doesn’t cook because she works full time and goes to college

    too. So it’s me. I used to be a cook in the army, and when I

    first started in basic I got to peel more times than I’d like to

    say. LOL Maybe the army should buy these!

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